Sample didactic plan

Below we present an example of an original didactic plan that we prepare for our nurseries every month. In each thematic week, our Lion Cubs participate in culinary and multisensory workshops, we are visited by artists, English teachers and musicians. There is no place for boredom with us!

Organization of work in Stefcio Lewcio Daycares

Organization of work in Stefcio Lewcio Daycares

Our nurseries are organized around a repetitive daily rhythm and a few simple rules of healthy eating:

We work from 7:30

Each Auntie looks after a maximum of five children

We have small intimate groups

We provide care to children from the age of 5 months to 3 years

We spend time outside every day

We eat meals according to the following routine: 9.00 - breakfast, 11.30 - soup, 14.00 - main course, 16.00 - afternoon tea

We drink only water (possibly with the addition of lemon)

In addition to the food served as part of the designated meals, children eat vegetables and fruits or other healthy snacks

The schedule of our Lion Cubs’ day

The day of our Lion Cubs is filled with creative activities, fun and rest. See what we have planned for them!

7:30 – Welcome to the daycare! We sing a welcome song and get into the good mood for the whole day

9:00 – We eat breakfast

9.30 – We carry out our unique program. We organize culinary workshops, multisensory experience, English classes, art classes or we are visited by a wonderful guest! When we work with passion, we go to the park or play on the playground.

11.30 – We have lunch (1st course)

12.00 – Time to rest – after such a morning, a nap is much needed!

14:00 – Lion Cubs’ appetites sharpen after waking up. So we eat the 2nd part of the lunch.

15:00 – This is the time for additional fun, reading fairy tales, singing and other interesting activities according to our program.

16.30 – We drink tea and wait for parents

17.30 – The last Lion Cubs say goodbye to the daycare – see you tomorrow!

Does the fun last all year?

Our daycares are open for Lion Cubs all year round.
We only rest from fun on the following days: Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve and Good Friday.